2025 Whiting Creative Nonfiction Grant

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The 2025 Whiting Creative Nonfiction Grant of $40,000 will be awarded to as many as ten writers in the process of completing a book-length work of deeply researched and imaginatively composed nonfiction for a general adult readership. It is intended for multiyear book projects requiring large amounts of deep and focused research, thinking, and writing at a crucial point mid-process, after significant work has been accomplished but when an extra infusion of support can make a difference in the ultimate shape and quality of the work. The program's chief objective is to foster original, ambitious projects brought to the highest possible standard.

 Whiting welcomes applications for works of history, cultural or political reportage, biography, memoir, science, philosophy, criticism, graphic nonfiction, and personal essays, among other categories. Again, the work should be intended for a general, not academic, adult reader. Self-help titles, historical fiction, textbooks, books primarily for a scholarly audience, and books for young readers are not eligible. Examples of the wide range of previous grantees can be found on the program's website.

 Projects must be under contract with a publisher in Canada, the UK, or the US by April 23 to be eligible, and the fully executed contract signed by all parties must be uploaded as part of the application. Contracts with self-publishing companies are not eligible.

 The deadline to apply is April 23, 2025. All materials (except the letter of support) must be received by 11:59pm Eastern Time (i.e., New York City time) on this date; incomplete applications will not be considered. We will accept letters of support from publishers through April 30, although we strongly advise applicants to encourage publishers to get these letters in as close to April 23 as possible. Please note that we cannot offer any extensions for contracts that are not signed by both writer and publisher by the application deadline.

 Each project under submission will have two first-round readers who will evaluate for substance and execution (while understanding that they are reading a work in progress). Finalists will be considered by a separate panel of judges who will evaluate for need in addition to substance and execution. Readers and judges will consist of experts in the field from Canada, the UK, and the US and will serve anonymously to shield them from any external pressures. The grantees will be announced in December.

 The Foundation hosted two online information sessions to answer questions and offer guidance on applying for the grant. You can watch a recording of an info session here.

 If you have any questions about the eligibility of your project, or the application process, please contact the Whiting Foundation at nonfiction@whiting.org.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.